From post-apocalyptic & thriller author Nicki Huntsman Smith

Hello! I’m Nicki Huntsman Smith, author of the Troop of Shadows Chronicles.

If you’re unfamiliar with the series, I think you’ll be in for a pleasant surprise. Some readers compare my books to works by Stephen King. That’s quite a flattering comparison and one that I hope is valid. I will say this: The Troop of Shadows Chronicles are not your typical P-A thrillers.

These fast-paced stories are guaranteed to keep you reading late into the night. Within these books, you’ll find gritty characters, amusing dialogue, and a few unusual villains (no cardboard bad guys here), all while experiencing a white-knuckled ride filled with twists and turns.

If you’re intrigued, you can download one of my favorite books, “Troop of Shadows Book 1” for free.

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If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic thrillers, go ahead and click the link below.

Best Regards,

Nicki Huntsman Smith

“This is not your typical apocalypse novel!”

Adelle Starr – Amazon Review

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Readers Love This Book

Page Turner! I enjoyed every moment of this book!!”

Judith – Amazon customer

“So Well Done! Terrific twist on apocalypse action adventure drama.”

“Gripping Tale! In my opinion, Probably on equal standing with Stephen King’s “The Stand”. Excellent writing and storyline. I intend to follow up and acquire any book written by this author.”

Timothy Carr – Amazon Customer

“It’s simply good post-apocalyptic fiction that not only conforms, but stands out from the rest of the genre. More than that, it shines in the twist. :)”

Arctunn – Amazon Customer

“This is not your typical apocalypse novel!”

Adelle Starr – Amazon Customer

**I’m loathe to put it down! Rushing to get Book 2 now!



“Riveting story with characters that you care about. One of my favorites in the post apocalyptic genre. I stayed up late three nights running as I couldn’t put it down.”

Dog Tired – Amazon Customer

Shades of [Stephen] King. Do you like the creepy added to post apocalyptic? Reading til 2 am and I gotta go to work at 8.”

nomme de plumme – Amazon Customer

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