Dead Leaves, Dark Corners
There are no zombies here!
But lurking within the pages of this creepy anthology is every other type of ghoulish creature a horror enthusiast could want.
Do you love monsters? We have plenty.
Are demons your thing? You have your choice of the amusing type or the kind that will make you go insane.
Men in Black? Check.
Cannibals? Yep.
Serial killers? We got ‘em.
There’s even a witch thrown in for good measure.
The settings in this collection range from a decaying urban city to a sinister lighthouse island…from an isolated forest to a decrepit gas station in the Arizona desert…from a suburban kitchen to a Walmart parking lot.
What good thing ever happened in a Walmart parking lot?
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This was a page turner of a read! The perfect amount of spooky for a summer evening (or a chilly winter night). An excellent collection of easy flowing stories. Would be great when read all at once (like I did) or savored one at a time.
Absolutely loved this anthology! The tone is definitely appropriate for a group of horror tales, and I really enjoyed the satirical edge and the underlying humor present throughout. The characters are well-drawn and compelling. Definitely an enjoyable book; I highly recommend it.
Great book! I cannot imagine what type of person, or what type of brain is required to come up with such a divergent group of excellent short stories, Keep up the good, but disturbing work, Nicki.