A Monstrous Dread Series

Demon Chase

Book 1 in A Monstrous Dread Series

She can see demons – and they want her dead.

Jillian and her twin brother are haunted by a terrible gift: the power to see the monsters that lurk in plain sight. Unleashed into our world eons ago, the demons relentlessly hunt whoever can see them… and there’s a hellish bounty on Jillian’s head.

She’s powerless – until she can learn to fight back.

Plunged into an impossible struggle against deadly enemies and forced to forsake the life they once held dear, Jillian and her brother must survive long enough to unravel the shadowy secrets of the unseen world and discover a way to fight.

But the demons are closing in… and Jillian can’t run forever.

Can she and her brother overcome insurmountable odds and turn the tide against their demonic hunters? Or will their unusual gift become their greatest curse?

Demon Chase is a page-turning paranormal read that’s perfect for anyone who loves demons, magic, and survival stories with a twist.

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The story pulls you in immediately. Great characters, great plot and tantalizing quirks along the way. Highly recommend for anyone who likes a good ghost story but add witches and spells and lots of good fun. Enjoy!

Kekolynn, Amazon Review

I knew I was going to love this book! Twins with a certain talent of recognizing the supernatural . Truly could see this set of books expanding beyond two. Characters are well developed and the fact they have that connection only twins share? Perfect ! Fun read with just enough demon interaction to keep one immersed. Now off to the second book😁

Jmac, Amazon Review

I was hooked the moment I started reading this book. One of this authors specialties is creating rich likeable characters. Like 80 something year old shamans that joke about midnight bootie calls. This is shaping up to be a great story and I can’t await to dive in to the next one.

John Corley, Amazon Review

Troubled Spirits

Book 2 in A Monstrous Dread Series

Jillian barely escaped Forsaken Harbor, Alaska, in one piece. Now, she finds herself in rural Wyoming, settling into a hundred-year-old house filled with musty old furniture and an antique doll for a roommate. Surrounding her in all directions are acres of hay, desolate prairie, and a cornfield long overdue for harvesting…and overseen by a decrepit scarecrow. It’s the perfect setting for a spooky Halloween, until strange and terrifying episodes begin to happen.

What has she stumbled upon in the Wind River Range? What happened here generations ago that resonates so powerfully in the region and compels the residents to behave in bizarre and alarming ways?

Should she leave now while there’s still time? Or stick it out and learn more about the dangerous and mystical supernatural world that upended her life a year ago?

Jillian Beaufort is not quitter. You can bet your last bottle of Sam Adams she’ll find some answers…or die trying.


Jackson, no longer a prisoner of the Rosalind Project, but rather a willing ally, joins forces with Dr. Walter Richter and his beautiful and brilliant daughter, Dr. Stacey Richter. Utilizing resources Jillian can only dream about, Jackson and his new partners embark on a quest to identify monsters and unmask demons. The scientists want to study them, but Jackson has different plans.

He has been grappling with monsters far longer than anyone else, and he knows one truth better than anyone: The only good monster is a dead monster.

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She got my attention with Troop of Shadows, the best doomsday series I’ve ever read. Now Nicki Huntsman Smith as enthralled me with her current series, A Monstrous Dread. Witches, demons and monsters? My favorite genre.
Jackson and Jillian Beaufort are bad-ass twins, taking out the monsters, evil spirits and plan ol bad juju, with their competent bad-assery. Huntsman Smiths use of witty repertoire, sarcasm and dry humor will leave you laughing out loud whilst gripping the edge of your seat in fear and anticipation.
Read these books. You’ll be so glad you did.

Kindle Reader, Amazon Review

There are several authors I try to read everything they have written. However, there aren’t that many. I read for entertainment mostly now, and Nicki’s books always keep me entertained. Many times that entertainment is at the expense of other things that might be deemed more important by others in my immediate circle. Not citing any names.
Keep on cranking them out Nicki

Cathy, Amazon Review

Went up the hill to to kick some demon ass.

This book came across my Facebook feed. It had great reviews. I’ve read two now. They are so well written and the stories to me are riveting. Check out this author, you won’t be disappointed!

Merri, Amazon Review

A Different Kind of Monster

Book 3 in A Monstrous Dread Series

Jillian hopes she has finally found a safe haven in the Catskills, but as she looks out at the dense forest surrounding her secluded RV campground, she can’t help but wonder if she’s leapt from the pan into the fire. After leaving a promising career at the FBI, she’s been on the run, constantly pursued by malevolent supernatural entities. Alaska and Wyoming didn’t provide the sanctuary she was hoping for, but maybe upstate New York will be different.

But as Jillian tries to settle into her new life, she can’t shake the feeling that something is off. It’s not just the strange noises she hears at night or the eerie stillness of the forest, it’s the lingering presence of something sinister. And as local young women start to go missing, Jillian suspects she may have stumbled upon a different kind of monster.

Desperate to protect herself and those around her, Jillian must use her unique ability to see the paranormal to unravel the mystery of the missing girls. But as she delves deeper into the dark underbelly of the Catskills, she realizes that she may have met her match. And if she can’t stop the abductions, she may become the next victim.

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To Jackson and Jillian, it is all ” natural ” as they can see what walks among them….but yes, they are “super beings” and being visible to the siblings is NOT part of their plan. Therefore the pair must be eliminated and quickly. However, that is proving much more difficult than expected and patience is fast wearing thin…..A superb and unusual series that continues to improve by leaps and bounds!.

Maggie Deaton, Amazon Review

From the first book I read by Nicki Huntsman Smith, I was hooked. I will read anything she writes. I will not hold my breath, but wait, impatiently for the next one to come out. I enjoy her characters and can vividly see the worlds she creates. Getting ready to read ‘Secrets Under the Mesa’. I’m sure I will be as thoroughly mesmerized as I have been with everything else she has written. Keep it up Nicki!

Becky G., Amazon Review 

I’m loving this series and can’t wait for the next one! Nicki Huntsman Smith has a knack for creating enduring characters that you find yourself missing (I hope to see more of them in upcoming installments). I highly recommend checking out this series as well as her other books.

Ruby Rowland, Amazon Review


Book 4 in A Monstrous Dread Series


After a harrowing encounter with a serial killer, a near-fatal battle with a malevolent woodland creature, and a failed assassination attempt on her life, Jillian packs up her Airstream and motors away from the Catskills. Her destination? Sunny California with its sandy beaches and tranquil ocean views. Standing between her and paradise is a white-knuckle drive through Utah’s Wasatch Mountain Range, but as long as she can beat the forecasted hundred-year storm, she’s golden.

Of course, as with so many ‘coincidences’ in her life, the ice, wind, and snow arrive early, trapping her in a dangerous blizzard while perched on a treacherous mountain switchback.

Help arrives in the form of a teenage boy, forcing Jillian to choose between freezing to death or accepting his offer of sanctuary in the home of his family.

The decision isn’t the no-brainer one might expect. The deeper Jillian digs into the ideology of the wealthy Olsen family — leaders of an exclusive survivalist community — and the longer she’s forced to stay, the more perilous the situation becomes. Even in this far-flung ‘prepper’ society, walled in by snow-capped mountains and trapped by a raging blizzard, Jillian isn’t safe from the paranormal creatures that hunt her, nor the human monsters who seem hell-bent on pursuing her to the ends of the Earth.

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Get in a comfy chair, good drinks, snacks, and buckle up for good binge story! Can’t tell you the last store that grabbed my attention and brain cells like this one and has kept it. I kinda want to start with the first book again, it’s that good!

Amazon Review

I’ve pretty much become addicted to this series! I hope the author has plans to keep exploring this world for a long time.

John Corley, Amazon Review

Jackson and Jillian are on the trail of more monsters and mayhem. After some way too close calls, and finding out really disturbing news about what lies in the future, they both continue with their lives of danger. In a nearing the apocalypse times, these two are who I want to keep close.

Amazon Review – Kindle Reader

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