Time Travel

Time Travel

Death is the doorway to the in-between where time is nonlinear and geography is fluid.


Following an armed robbery gone terribly wrong, J awakens in a black void and meets Sarah, a spiritual guide tasked with mentoring the transcendence of souls. She explains that perfection is impossible. Sublimity is the goal.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the In Between. Are you comfortable? Do you need anything? A Coke? Maybe a cigarette?”

“Why would I want a Coke or a cigarette if I’m dead?”

“They can’t really harm you at this point. If they offer comfort, you may enjoy them now.”

“How? I don’t have a mouth anymore.”

“Sure you do. You’re talking with it.” “It’s more the suggestion of a mouth. Or maybe the memory of one. That’s what it feels like, at least.”

“Well stated. It’s true your physical body was left behind in that other place, but taking on its form again here serves a purpose. It will make all this easier to get through. Do you think you can manage that?”

“Let me try.”

“Ah, there you are. You were quite handsome in your previous life.”

“You’re drop-dead gorgeous. Are you an angel?”

“We’ll get to all that soon enough. Let’s talk about what happened. Before you died.”

“I think I got shot in the chest. That Kwik Shop clerk had a sawed-off shotgun behind the cash register.”

“He did, but that’s not what I’m referring to. Let’s talk about your life leading up to its tragic end.”

J can travel any WHERE and any WHEN for the boldest, most challenging learning opportunities…transcendence isn’t for the faint-hearted. The journey spans a pyramid builders’ village in Giza to the Dakota Plains, from Renaissance Italy to prehistory Mesopotamia, from a Martian colony to 1960s Kansas.

How many incarnations will it take?

What lessons must be learned along the way? 

Buy The Sublime Seven and witness one soul’s quest to solve all the mysteries of life, one adventure at a time.